Trying to lift the pumpkins.
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See more photos in the left-hand column.
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We have the pumpkins in the back of the Diamond T and a big sign that says:
Along come 3 little redheaded boys.
"Do you want a pumpkin?" says Linda. "For Halloween?"
"We don’t do Halloween," says one.
"Do you do pumpkin pie?"
Shy nods.
"Well then, you’d better buy a pumpkin."
"What does free will donation mean?"
"It means you pay whatever you want to."
"Really??? Like maybe a penny?"
"Yep, a penny would do."
They each hand me a penny and walk up and try to lift a couple of big ones. Too heavy. So they run off and come back with a hand truck, load up 3 of the biggest, and the last we see of them, they are wobbling down the street trying to hold all the pumpkins on.
A neighbor says the family has 10 kids. Hope mom is happy to see those pumpkins!
* * *
HAHA made $91.03 on the pumpkins.
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For more information:
Read about Linda’s membership in HAHA on this website: Linda's Memberships, Awards and Honors.
Read more about the Hermosa Arts and History Association at their website: www.HermosaHistory.org.
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We have the pumpkins in the back of the Diamond T and a big sign that says:
Along come 3 little redheaded boys.
"Do you want a pumpkin?" says Linda. "For Halloween?"
"We don’t do Halloween," says one.
"Do you do pumpkin pie?"
Shy nods.
"Well then, you’d better buy a pumpkin."
"What does free will donation mean?"
"It means you pay whatever you want to."
"Really??? Like maybe a penny?"
"Yep, a penny would do."
They each hand me a penny and walk up and try to lift a couple of big ones. Too heavy. So they run off and come back with a hand truck, load up 3 of the biggest, and the last we see of them, they are wobbling down the street trying to hold all the pumpkins on.
A neighbor says the family has 10 kids. Hope mom is happy to see those pumpkins!
* * *
HAHA made $91.03 on the pumpkins.
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For more information:
Read about Linda’s membership in HAHA on this website: Linda's Memberships, Awards and Honors.
Read more about the Hermosa Arts and History Association at their website: www.HermosaHistory.org.
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